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Consider a function f(x)=(3x+4)/(x-2),x is not=2. Find a function g(x) on a suitable domain such that gof (x)=x=fog(x).

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If f(x)=(2x+3)/(3x-2),x is not=2/3, then find fof (x).

If f(x)=(3x-1)/(x+1), x is not=1, then find fof(x).

(1) if f(x)=x/(x-1), then show that for(x)=x

If f: R to R be given by f(x) =(3-x^3)^1/3, find fof(x).

Give examples of the functions: f: N to N and g:N to N such that gof is onto but f is not onto.

If f: R to R defined by f(x)=x^2-2x+3, then find f(f(x)).

Give examples of two functions: f: N to Z and t: Z to Z such that gof is injective but g is not injective.

Are f and g both necessarily onto,if gof is onto?

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if functions f: A to B and B to c are defined by : f(x)=√x and g(x)=x^2 respectively, find gof(x).